Nutritionist in Washington DC

Do you have a history of disordered eating or find yourself tired of trying diet after diet, and want to work with a nutritionist on health or nutrition goals? 

Have you been Googling “nutrition facts” more often than you’d like to admit as you look to heal your hormones or gut — and find yourself hungry for real, science-backed nutritional guidance? Wondering if it’s possible to find a dietitian who can help you manage your mental health challenges, gut issues, or hormonal imbalance without restriction?

Kate Brock CNS, LDN headshot

Meet Kate Brock, CNS, LDN

I help chronic dieters break out of the diet cycle & work toward their nutritional goals in an environment that is sensitive to body image struggles and their complex relationship with food.

Women's Nutritionist

When you have a history of chronic dieting or disordered eating — the thought of working with a clinician to help address the nutritional components of mental health challenges, hormonal imbalances, and/or gut health can feel tricky. 

You’re worried that a potential restrictive mindset or elimination diet could trigger you and jeopardize your relationship with food.

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Even a quick Google search for a dietitian feels anxiety-provoking because you’re unsure if something will continue to add to your already restrictive mindset around food.

You’re looking for help — but not sure who to turn to.

Ditch the diet cycle. Live free from body shame. Find food freedom. Ditch the diet cycle. Live free from body shame. Find food freedom.
I provide recovery-aware one-on-one nutrition counseling for women with a history of disordered eating, as well as women in search of a more gentle approach to nutrition.
I was trained in functional nutrition, so I have a strong background in getting to the root cause of health issues, but also know that functional nutrition can cause disordered eating. I’m here to bridge the gap for you. 
You deserve to feel good AND have a healthy relationship with food.
Kate Brock holding beets in hand

Nutrition Counseling in Washington DC

One-on-one weight-inclusive, HAES-aligned, Gentle Nutrition Coaching is designed for the woman who is looking for a clinician who is sensitive to their history of disordered eating OR looking for a weight-inclusive, gentle approach to nutrition 

These sessions are done virtually via Zoom on in person in DC, and includes:

Weight Inclusive Nutrition Counseling with Kate Brock, CNS, LDN

Who is this a good fit for?

My One-on-One Weight-Inclusive Nutrition Coaching can help women with a history of  chronic dieting or disordered eating who are:

frequently asked questions

I am in network with Aetna. Before booking an appointment, please verify insurance benefits. If you are out of network, I am able to create a “super bill” for reimbursement. With this, you can coordinate with your insurance company in order to see what they will and will not reimburse.

Yes, I accept HSA and FSA payments.

I have a limited number of sliding scale spaces available for people who are unable to pay full price.

I do not work with intentional weight loss and I do not use weight as a measure of success or failure. I am a HAES® practitioner and run a weight-inclusive practice. This means that I work with clients to create goals around health behaviors.

The body also has a set weight that it maintains when you are kind to your body with nutrition and movement. I do not think it’s kind to fight against the body. My approach is to ensure you’re well nourished, have a peaceful relationship with food, and move your body in a way that feels good for you. You may lose weight during this process, you may not. This simply is not the focus.

There is also research that shows intentional weight loss often fails in the long term. In fact, 95% of diets fail & most people regain all the weight they lost, plus more. I am here to help you create sustainable changes to live a full, happy life doing the things you love.

If you are looking for a nutritionist specifically to lose weight, I will not be a good fit for you.

I run stool tests for GI concerns, DUTCH testing for hormones, Organic Acid Testing for mental health nutrition concerns, and micronutrient testing for various concerns. These are tests I will suggest if I think they would be beneficial for your plan. 

I also provide a list of blood tests for you to request from your doctor for specific conditions like anxiety, depression, PCOS, high cholesterol, diabetes, anemia, etc.

No, I only offer virtual appointments.

I have weekday appointments, Monday through Thursday, 10 AM – 6 PM EST.

This is highly individual. I have worked with people everywhere from 3 months to over a year. Think about how long you have been dealing with your symptoms, it’s not going to be an overnight switch. I am focused on real, sustainable change and that takes time. If you are looking for a quick fix, my services are not the right fit for you.

I can work with clients in all 50 states except for the following: North Carolina, Montana, Wyoming, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Iowa, Missouri, Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama, & Ohio.